Monday, September 6, 2010

First day of first grade

This is my sweetie on her first day of first grade. She hardly looks big enough to get up the stairs on the bus. She had a great day and I thank my friend Trish her new teacher for that. I requested that Delaney have her. She used to teach kindergarten, how much better can it get.
Could she be any cuter going up those steps?

Labor Day

The boys just left with Joe to go and look at a 2000 VW bug that a person Joe does freelance with is selling. It is gray and is a five speed I think. We desperately need another car now that they are driving. I am sick of not having my car when I want to go somewhere. Lets keep our fingers crossed that this one will be a good one.
I worked for three hours this morning putting all of our dates and stuff in to my planner for the year. Between all of my meetings and poo-poo and the boys stuff, Delaney's stuff and an occassional Joe event, it is REALLY FULL!
I have Austin's quilt hooked up to the machine in the sun room but I haven't touched it for a week or more because the table has been loaded up with school stuff! Soon ... I promise myself, soon! I am free motion quilting on it now and then all I have to do is to put the binding on it. It is close to being done. Jared however doesn't like the fabric that I bought him two Christmas' ago and so that will mean another trip to the quilt store. Oh poor Jennifer! NOT! There is a new one in Fairfield that I haven't gotten to yet, so that means a road trip after school one day! Yippee!
Meg, does this count as a post? I told you that I would get to it;)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I made this quilt as a gift for my friend Rachel

The teacher in the room next to me had a baby boy and I made this little baby quilt for him. His name is Carter and he is a cutie. I made it in 2008.